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You are a Multidimensional Being Having a Human Experience - Universal Human Design

Multidimensional Being Having a Human Experience - Universal Human Design

You are a multidimensional being. Each part of you vibrates with the potential of a thousand planets. Within you lies a universe of potential, existing on many planes of existence simultaneously. You exist on many planes at once— the physical, the emotional, the spiritual. Layers of energy, emotion, and spirit exist within you, Explore these layers within. Discover how each aspect fuels your journey. You hold the power to unlock a universe of possibilities.  

We are far more than our physical existence. We exist simultaneously across multiple planes and engage with the universe in ways that transcend our ordinary perceptions of time and space. Our soul does not merely operate within the confines of our physical body; it is integrated and unified across various dimensions. Linearity and physicality are constructs unique to our current reality. In the broader, quantum view of existence, all events occur simultaneously, beyond the constraints of time and space. This perspective challenges us to embrace our true nature—based on love, connection, abundance, and freedom—and to embody our divinity in the present.

Multidimensional living, then, involves a significant inner shift—a commitment to understanding ourselves more deeply and taking full responsibility for our life's direction. This process of becoming more self-aware and sovereign enables us to express and embody our true essence more fully. By tapping into our innate wisdom and creativity, we manifest our desires more effortlessly, aligning our actions with our soul's purpose.

Remember, every cell, every organ, and indeed, we ourselves are fractals of the universe or unity consciousness or source energy, reflecting the principle of "as above, so below."

Our existence is a reflection of a larger whole, containing both high and low frequencies.

Embracing our multidimensional nature offers a transformative path toward self-actualization. It invites us to explore the depths of our being and the universe's mysteries, challenges us to transcend our limited perceptions, and live in alignment with our true essence, harmoniously integrated across the many planes of existence.

  • We are made of many layers. The five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space – form our physical body.

  • We have the five koshas or sheaths of energy – from the physical form to the deepest soul.

  • Each of us holds nine core emotions, the Navras— love, joy, compassion, anger, courage, fear, disgust, wonder, and peace. They are the core emotions that shape how we experience the world.

  • And within us flow the seven chakras, vibrant centers of energy that connect us to higher consciousness.

  • We are also shaped by the three gunas – Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas qualities of being that balance us – calmness, passion, and inertia.

Diving into the depths of the self can be a transformative journey, revealing layers of existence that transcend our physical form. This exploration is deeply rooted in Indian philosophy, which presents a holistic view of the self through various frameworks such as the Pancha Koshas, Chakras, Navrasas (nine emotions), and the three Gunas.

Let's break down these components into bullet points to understand how they contribute to the multidimensional nature of our being:

Pancha Koshas (Five Sheaths)

  • Annamaya Kosha (Physical Body): The outermost layer, representing our physical form.

  • Pranamaya Kosha (Energy Body): Encapsulates our life force or prana, governing vitality and physical energy.

  • Manomaya Kosha (Mind Body): The mental layer, associated with emotions and thoughts.

  • Vijnanamaya Kosha (Wisdom Body): Reflects higher understanding and intuition.

  • Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Body): The innermost sheath, representing a state of pure bliss and connection with the universe​.

The Seven Chakras

  • Root Chakra: Foundation and feeling of being grounded.

  • Sacral Chakra: Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Our ability to be confident and in control of our lives.

  • Heart Chakra: Our ability to love.

  • Throat Chakra: Our ability to communicate.

  • Third Eye Chakra: Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.

  • Crown Chakra: The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.

Three Gunas

  • Sattva (Purity): Represents balance, harmony, and lightness.

  • Rajas (Activity): Symbolizes energy, change, and movement.

  • Tamas (Inertia): Associated with darkness, heaviness, and ignorance.

Navrasas (Nine Emotions)

  1. Love (Shringara)

  2. Laughter (Hasya)

  3. Sorrow (Karuna)

  4. Anger (Raudra)

  5. Courage (Veera)

  6. Fear (Bhayanaka)

  7. Disgust (Bibhatsa)

  8. Surprise (Adbhuta)

  9. Peace (Shanta)

By understanding and working through these layers, one can aim for a harmonious balance, leading to a fuller, more conscious existence.

You can be the warrior, the artist, the lover, the healer, the poet, the teacher, the giver, and a good human. You can experience joy, overcome challenges, and be everything you dream of. You have the power to feel deeply, to conquer challenges, and to create. Embrace the layers of your emotions and express yourself in your own authentic way.

Embrace your multidimensional nature. Tap into your inner wisdom, explore your emotions, and awaken the power within. 
Don't confine yourself to one shape. Be the thinker and the dancer, the warrior, and the poet. 
Let your curiosity guide you. 
Every expression of your being adds a new color, a new sound, to the symphony of your life.
The Universe flows in perfect balance.  
Seek the same within yourself. Attune yourself to the whispers of your intuition. When you are in harmony within, your actions will resonate outwards, creating ripples of positive change.
You were born of stardust, and you are as vast as the cosmos. 
Your dreams, your potential, they have no horizon.  
Don't let fears or doubts dim your inner light. 
You are infinite, a powerful force of creation.
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